Welcome Fall! I can't believe it's October already and guys.. I honestly can't believe how long we've been in quarantine in CA but as you are reading this, we are surviving, we are here, and I'm so grateful for this space ELLERALI has given me during this time. So thank you for continuing to be part of this journey with me.
September I took some time out of studio to re-access where ELLERALI will be going now. With the cancelation of markets this year, it's been a struggle building my audience and sharing ELLERALI in person. But I am so thankful for those of you who have purchased from ELLERALI this year. It has helped keep the business going through this pandemic.
So what did I do during September? I took a free course from Future Learn made from Fashion Revolution called Fashion's Future: The Sustainable Development Goals. It's a great program and really helps you dive deep into the issues facing the Fashion Industry, and introduces you to ideas, programs, and goals to keep brands accountable, and how you can be a better advocate in Sustainable Fashion. I read two books. One called Rise of the Youpreneur by Chris Ducker which really made think about who I wanted to be as an Entrepreneur, what I was willing to do vs not, and where I saw ELLERALI in the long run. There's so many tools of how to grow and audience, how to make money... but in the end.. is that who you want to be? And as much as I pray that ELLERALI continues to grow and I can be this impactful business to the masses.. am I willing to be a constant content creator? I mean.. that's the thing right now. To create so much content and be everywhere to been seen. Or, can I just continue to create pieces that inspire me, grow authentically and purposefully, and be present in my everyday life?
ahhhh. Doesn't that sound so much better? But the truth is.. I gotta do both, and all.. soo what does that look like, where's that balance, and what am I willing to do. And the second book I read was by Russ called It’s All In Your Head. I love raw motivation books. And Russ literally just reminds you that YOU got this, just get out of your way, and do it! And really.. sometimes that's all I need. Someone to just tell me.. hey! It's your life, it's your dream, build it however you want, and if you just keep on going, you'll get there, so start.. start now. Other things! ELLERALI showcased at the virtual Women's Pinterest Conference, I paired up with a great business mentor at SCORE, and I feel rejuvenated and ready to continue to build ELLERALI. With that said, thank you for reading! Let me share with you some new items including a whole new pattern! I know it's supposed to be sweater season but it's been hard for me to create cold weather clothes when it's still warm in Los Angeles. But I did both! So enjoy!
Read the full October Newsletter here.